• Evolutionary Spatial Economics: Understanding Economic Geography and  Location over Time (2020). Cheltenham: Edward Edgar; Translated and published in Serbian (2024), Novi Sad: Prometej and Arhiv Vojvodine.
  • The Economics of International Integration (2015). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • The Economics of European Integration (2013). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • International Handbook on the Economics of Integration: General Issues and Regional Groups (2011). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • International Handbook on the Economics of Integration: Competition, Spatial Location of Economic Activity and Financial Issues (2011). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • International Handbook on the Economics of Integration: Factor Mobility, Agriculture, Environment and Quantitative Studies (2011). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • Evolutionary Economic Geography (2009, reprinted 2014). Foreword by Ron Boschma, introductory note by Masahisa Fujita, London: Routledge;  Translated and published in Chinese (2011), Beijing: Economic Social Press.
  • Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries: Conceptual Issues (2007). Foreword by Richard E. Baldwin, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries: Agglomeration and Clusters (2007). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • Economic Integration and Spatial Location of Firms and Industries: Transnational Corporations and Search for Evidence (2007). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, editor.
  • The Economics of International Integration (2006). Foreword by Richard G. Lipsey, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Location of Production: Local vs. Global Game (2006). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Spatial Location of Firms and Industries: Is Local Superior to Global? (2006). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • The Economics of European Integration (2005). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Translated and published in Serbian, Faculty of Economics: Belgrade (two editions).
  • Geography of Production and Economic Integration (2001). London: Routledge.
  • Standards and Regulations in International Trade (2000). Geneva: United Nations, editor.
  • International Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects (1998). Second revised edition; Foreword by Richard G. Lipsey, London: Routledge. Translated and published in Greek (2002), Athens: Papazissis.
  • International Economic Integration: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy - Theory and Measurement (1998), London: Routledge, editor.
  • International Economic Integration: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy - Monetary, Fiscal and Factor Mobility Issues (1998), London: Routledge, editor.
  • International Economic Integration: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy - General Issues (1998), London: Routledge, editor.
  • International Economic Integration: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy - Integration Schemes (1998), London: Routledge, editor.
  • European Economic Integration: Limits and Prospects (1997). Foreword by Alexis Jacquemin, London: Routledge.
  • International Economic Integration (1992). Foreword by Richard G. Lipsey, London: Routledge.  
  • The Challenge of Free Economic Zones in Central and Eastern Europe (1991), co-editor with K.P. Sauvant and N. Zaitsev, New York: United Nations.
  • EEC and the Developing Countries (1990), co-author with M. Vukićević, Belgrade: Naučna knjiga.
  • Economics of the European Economic Community (1985), Belgrade: Savremena administracija. This manuscript won the European Commission’s printing grant.


  • 'Peace as a natural effect of trade: A potentia ad actum' (2023) (with A. Koval, N. Lomagin, F. Lukyanov, S. Sutyrin, O. Trofimenko and G. Wang), St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, 39 (3), pp. 289-306.
  • 'Economic sanctions: Disappointing old wine in new bottles' (2022), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, pp. 545-576, access here
  • 'Should Serbia join the European Union, and what cost might this entail?' (2022), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, pp. 163-188, access here
  • 'The eurozone at twenty and beyond: What else could go wrong?' (2021), In Liber Amicorum Constantine A. Stephanou European Governance in Times of Uncertainty, (eds by D. Chryssochoou, C. Gortsos, V.  Hatzopoulos and A. Passas).  Athens: Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2021,  pp. 106-126, access here
  • ‘The supply chain economy: how far does it spread in space and time?’ (2019), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, pp. 393-452, access here
  • The slow motion train crash of the eurozone monetary alchemy’ (2019), St Petersburg University Journal of Economic Studies, pp. 360–396, access here
  • ‘Eurozone and the European Union’s aspiring countries’ (2019) in L’AVENIR DE LA ZONE EURO (eds S. Gozi, D. Sidjanski and F. Saint-Ouen). Geneva: University of Geneva, pp. 145-149.
  • ‘Among the Central and Eastern European countries of the European Union, who gained and who lost?‘ (2018)(with J. Damnjanovic and J. Njegic), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, pp. 317-370, access here
  • 'Euro-Asian overland transport links: prospects and challenges',(2018)(with J. Damnjanovic, and J. Njegic), Handbook of International Trade and Transportation (eds B. Blonigen and W. Wilson). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 602-627.
  • 'Investor-state dispute settlement systems in emerging mega-integration blocs' (2017) Australian Economic Review, vol. 50, June, pp. 152-166, access here
  • ‘The way out of the eurozone Greek tragedy’ (2017) in Liber Amicorum en l’Honeur du Professeur Dusan Sidjanski, (eds P. van Gene-Saillet and F. Saint-Ouen). Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, pp. 69-91.
  • 'Emerging mega-integration blocs: limits and prospects' (2016), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, vol. 69, November, pp. 266-311, access here
  • 'The eurozone Greek tragedy' (2015), Law and Politics, No.1, pp. 7-24, access here
  • 'Does economic transition have an end?' (2015)(with J. Damnjanovic), 25 Years after the Wall: How did the Fall of the Berlin Wall Change Our Lives? (eds N. Levrat, P. Cebulak and P. Byston). Geneva: University of Geneva and Forum Carolus, pp. 101-131, access here
  • 'Saving multilateralism in a higgledy-piggledy trading system' (2015)(with J. Damnjanovic), Journal of Economic Integration, March, pp. 29-65, access here
  • 'La solidarité dans la zone euro' (2015) in L’idée d’Europe - L’identité solidaire européenne en question (European Idea - European Solidarity in Question)(eds F. Romanelli Montarsolo and N. Levrat). Geneva: University of Geneva Press, pp. 51-55, access here
  • 'EU eastern enlargement: economic effects on new members' (2014)(with J. Damnjanovic), Journal of Economic Integration, June, pp. 201-243, access here
  • 'European integration: back into the future' (2014)(with J. Damnjanovic), European Union Review, vol. 19, No. 1-2-3 March- November 2014, pp. 39-77, access here
  • 'Geopolitics of the European Union: Are steps backward the way forward?' (2013)(with J. Damnjanovic), Economia Internazionale, November, pp. 455-482, access here
  • 'Globalisation' (2013)(with J. Damnjanovic), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management (eds M. Augier and D. Teece). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • 'Was European integration nice while it lasted?' (2013), Journal of Economic Integration, March, pp. 1-36, access here
  • 'Energising Europe' (2013) in Italia, Europa, Mondo (Italy, Europe, World)(eds L. Gandullia, D. Preda and G. Varnier). Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 120-157.
  • 'Is the eurozone rescue strategy tantamount to the rearrangement of the deckchairs on the Titanic?' (2012), Journal of Economic Integration, March, pp. 33-79, access here
  • 'Towards the 20th anniversary party of the eurozone: will it be sumptuous or meagre?' (2012) in The Eurozone Experience: Monetary Integration in the Absence of a European Government (ed. F. Praussello). Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 36-67.
  • 'Is globalisation taking us for a ride?' (2010), Journal of Economic Integration, September, pp. 501-549, access here
  • 'Does globalisation make sense?' (2008), Economia Internazionale, February, pp. 47-80, access here
  • 'Review article of R.G. Lipsey, K. Carlaw and C. Bekar's Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth' (2007), Economia Internazionale, February, pp. 123-136, access here
  • 'Economic integration and spatial location of production' (2006) in Adjusting to EU Enlargement (ed. C. Stephanou). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 25-45, access here
  • 'Location of production: local vs. global game' (2006) in International Trade Issues (ed. R. Weeks). New York: Nova Scientific Publishers, pp. 33-85.
  • 'Spatial location of firms and industries: is local superior to global?' (2005) in Contemporary Issues in Urban and Regional Economics (ed. L. Yee). New York: Nova Scientific Publishers, pp. 1-53.
  • 'Turkey in the European Union: Euthanasia or the Rejuvenation of Europe?' (2005), Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE), Scuola Estiva di Venezia, 14-16 July 2005; and in J. Sperling, V. Papacosma and A. Theophanous (eds)(2008). Turkey and Europe High Stakes Uncertain Prospects. Nicosia: University of Nicosia Press. pp. 113-143, access here
  • 'Eastern enlargement of the EU: a topsy-turvy endgame or permanent disillusionment' (2004), Journal of Economic Integration, December, pp 830-868, access here
  • 'Economic integration and spatial location of production' (2004), University of Genoa, Department of Economics and Finance Working Paper No. 12/2004., access here
  • 'Local vs. global location of firms and industries' (2003), Journal of Economic Integration, March, pp. 60-104., access here
  • 'Spatial location of firms and industries: an overview of theory' (2003), Economia Internazionale, February, pp. 23-81, access here
  • 'Why eastern enlargement of the European Union won’t be fast' (2001) in Europe: What Kind of Integration? (Europa: Verso Quale Integrazione?) (ed. G. Casale). Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 140-167.
  • 'Eastern enlargement of the European Union: sour grapes or sweet lemon?' (2000), Economia Internazionale, November, pp. 507-536, access here
  • 'Economic integration and location of industries' (2000), in Economic Interests and Cultural Determinants in European Integration (ed. B. Schefold). Bolzano: European Academy, pp. 169-204.
  • 'Where are the limits to the enlargement of the European Union?' (1999), Journal of Economic Integration, September, pp. 467-496.
  • 'Enlargement of the European Union: economic dimension' (1999), in Cyprus and the European Union (eds A. Theophanous, N. Peristianis and A. Ioannou). Nicosia: Intercollege Press, pp. 41-66.
  • 'Festina Lente: Prospettive e limiti dell'allargamento ad Est dell'Unione Europea' (1998), La Comunita Internazionale, pp. 529-544.
  • 'Does eastern enlargement mean the end of the European Union?' (1998), International Relations, April, pp. 23-39.
  • 'Probing leviathan: the eastern enlargement of the European Union' (1997), European Review, October, pp. 353-370.
  • 'Economic integration among the developing countries and foreign direct investment' (1995), Economia Internazionale, May, pp. 209-244.